
Notice for Saturday, February 22: MyAccount, Pay Boxes, and the IVR will be offline for planned maintenance Saturday, February 22 from 6 to 9 p.m. If you need to make a payment during this time, you can place a check or money order in one of the drop box locations at our offices at 3682 S 35th Street in Tacoma. The drive-up box is in the parking lot directly across the street from the main entrance. Walk-up drop boxes are available at the front and west entrances of the building.

Mossyrock Dam

Tacoma Power is working on a series of projects designed to restore Riffe Lake to its original level while preserving the safety of the downstream public. Click here to learn more about our efforts.

Completed in 1968, Mossyrock Dam is Washington state’s tallest dam at 606 feet high above bedrock (or 365 feet above the riverbed). It produces enough clean, renewable hydropower to serve more than 87,000 homes annually. The dam’s double curvature concrete arch has three penstocks between 248 and 285 feet in length that extend down to the powerhouse.

We replaced the 40-year-old turbine generators in the powerhouse in 2010 and 2011 with modern, efficient turbines that produce more power using the same amount of water. Watch a video detailing how we rebuilt the two Mossyrock powerhouse generators.

The dam created 23.5-mile-long Riffe Lake. The lake offers 52 miles of shoreline to explore by watercraft, and two parks offering a variety of outdoor recreation: Mossyrock Park, located on the southwest shore near the dam, and Taidnapam Park on the east end where the Cowlitz River flows into the lake. These parks provide access to boat launches, swimming (Mossyrock Park only), fishing, camping, a kitchen shelter and day-use facilities.

Riffe Lake Levels

The United States Geological Survey (USGS) revised its earthquake predictions for the Cowlitz River basin. Although the probability of a large earthquake is very low, the updated predictions showed an increase to the potential impact a quake could have on just the spillways of Mossyrock Dam — not to the dam structure itself. So, to reduce this risk and protect public safety, we are holding Riffe Lake’s elevation to about 30 feet lower than full (778.5 feet). The drawdown began in 2017.

Our objective is to bring Riffe Lake back to full pool. We are working hard to make progress on identifying potential seismic damage to any other parts of the dam, as well as possible seismic retrofits, but this is a long and complex process. Read more about our progress here.

In the event of significant rainfall or flooding, we may need to use the storage capacity of Riffe Lake to minimize downstream flooding by temporarily allowing the lake level to rise. After the risk of downstream flooding passes, we would then gradually lower the reservoir to previous levels.

Seismic Information

No concrete arch dams, such as Mossyrock Dam, have failed due to earthquakes. However, analysis shows that specific seismic events could potentially cause the spillway piers and spillway gates to fail, resulting in an uncontrolled release of water and considerable downstream flooding. Lowering the lake level to 30 feet lower than full helps limit this impact.

We are currently considering seismic retrofits, but making changes to a federally licensed hydroelectric dam is a long and complicated process. The development of possible solutions involves substantial analysis, planning and federal approval. We will keep you updated on this process.

For more information about Mossyrock Dam, contact us at or see the information below:

  • Year completed – 1968
  • River system – Cowlitz
  • Original investment – $117.8 million
  • Type of dam – concrete arch/gravity and embankment
  • Height – above riverbed, 365 feet; above bedrock, 606 feet
  • Length – 1,648 feet
  • Width – top, 27 feet, base, 115 feet
  • Volume of concrete in dam – 1.27 million cubic yards
  • Average flow – 5,140 cubic feet/second
  • Drainage area – 1,042 square miles
  • Reservoir length – 23.5 miles
  • Miles of shoreline – 52 miles
  • Reservoir area at maximum elevation – 11,830 acres
  • Reservoir elevation – full, 778.5 feet; lowest allowable for generation, 600 feet
  • Average annual generation – 1,100,000,000 kilowatt-hours
  • Equivalent number of NW homes served – 87,300
  • Number of generators – one 207,000 kilowatt generator and one 175,000 kilowatt generator
  • Installed capacity (nameplate rating) – 382,000 kilowatts

Our Mossyrock Park boat launch has two long lanes usable at lower elevations: one lane is usable to approximately 720 feet; the second lane is usable to approximately 708 feet. The dock is usable to approximately 724 feet.

The Taidnapam North boat launch has a dock usable to approximately 731 feet, and one usable lane servicing elevations down to approximately 720 feet.

The Taidnapam Park boat launch is closed due to operational constraints. It reaches elevation 760 feet; there is no way to lengthen it due to a drop-off at the end.

The Kosmos boat launch is closed due to operational constraints. It is not usable below 747 feet and cannot be extended.

Get up-to-date info about boat launches and lake levels here or call (888) 502-8690.

Swim Areas

The Mossyrock Park swim area is usable at approximately 728 feet, so it should be available all summer unless there is a drought. We added an ADA-accessible parking lot, trail to the swim area, and restroom to help make the area more accessible for our visitors who have disabilities.


The North Shore Fishing Access area is usable to 735 feet.

Latest News

Riffe Lake Updates 

Riffe Lake Update Meeting

Tacoma Power hosted a Riffe Lake Update public meeting on Thursday, May 2, 2019, from 7 to 8 p.m. at the Mossyrock Community Center.

Questions? Please email
