Save $30 on Trees
Trees don’t just make your yard look great, they can cut energy use by keeping things cool in the summer. Plus, they improve air quality and help manage stormwater runoff. Grab your $30 Tree Coupon and let your savings take root at local nurseries.
Planning for the Future
Asset management is balancing cost, performance, and risk. Our experts use data to identify when the right time is to fix assets or replace them. We inspect water mains, valves, and fire hydrants to keep them in good working condition. By taking a strategic, long-term approach, we can anticipate costs and plan for them long into the future.
Prepare for Power Outages
Power outages occur due to both planned and unplanned events. Stay in the know when your power goes out. Tacoma Power’s outage map allows you to easily view and track power outages. The map will help you locate and learn more about current outages. Select the icon on the map indicating an outage and learn more about the cause, number of customers affected, and status of restoration.