Cowlitz Trout Hatchery Remodel

We’re thrilled to announce a significant renovation of the Cowlitz Trout Hatchery. Originally constructed in 1968 as part of the mitigation efforts for the Mayfield and Mossyrock dams, this facility stands as one of the largest steelhead hatcheries on the west coast. Together with the Cowlitz Salmon hatchery, it has played a vital role in fisheries and conservation in SW Washington for over 56 years. While it has undergone some upgrades along the way, it’s now time for a major overhaul. The program of projects, spanning multiple years, will focus on incorporating modern technology and designs to enhance fish health, overall survival, operational efficiency, infrastructure reliability, and environmental stewardship.  

The Cowlitz Trout Hatchery Remodel program includes five phases: Planning, Design and Permitting, Final approval, Construction, and Commissioning. Kick-off for the planning phase is scheduled to begin in August and will take two calendar years. It will be followed by a two-year design phase. The tentative construction completion date is in 2032. 

Construction Activity Alert
  • The drilling and pumping contractors will be at the North Bank (Hatchery site) through January 13th, 2025. Drilling and water pumping activities, as part of the test and observation well construction, will last through December. 
  • Generators on the North bank of the hatchery will run 24 hours a day and may cause noise disturbance near the camping and fishing area. The pump testing generators will run 24 hours daily from December 2nd through December 18th. 

November 2024 Program Update

Internal TPU Program Team Meetings

November 13, 2024

  • McMillen review schedule 
  • McMillen one month look ahead – upcoming deliverables 
  • McMillen review risk register and overview of changes 
  • CCTV update 
  • North bank drilling activities update 
  • Survey activities 
  • Bioprogramming review status 
  • Climate change check in 
  • Hatchery Complex Remodel Phase in Plan (HCRPP) long range schedule

November 27, 2024 – Internal regular team meeting

  • TBD

Deliverable Activity

  • TPU review draft Bioprogram model/Technical Memo (TM) 
  • TPU review well temperature projections 
  • TPU review HCRPP TM 
  • TPU review groundwater model 
  • TPU pump well tests 
  • TPU review groundwater samples 
  • TPU review stream flow projections 
  • TPU review of observed trends 
  • TPU review hydraulic analysis 

Site Activity

November 2024

  • North Bank drill test well and observation well construction
  • Survey field work

Interested Party Meetings

Information coming soon

Public presentations

Information coming soon

High-level schedule 2023-2032


  • Form consultant and TPU design team
  • Survey and data collection
  • Major studies and decision points on water supply
  • Long-term husbandry plan (bioprogram)
  • Alternative analysis of hatchery components


  • Initiate permitting
  • Survey
  • Continued alternative analysis and major studies
  • Long-term husbandry plan (bioprogram)
  • Major Go/No Go for hatchery alternatives
  • 10% design interim construction phasing
  • Construction costs and interim phasing costs
  • Budget final design and begin final design
  • Budget construction phases one and two


  • Finalize permitting
  • Final design
  • Final cost and interim construction phasing
  • Interim husbandry plan (bioprogram)
  • Break ground construction (phase one)
  • Early phased construction (phase two)
  • Budget construction phases three and four
  • Interim operations plan
  • Commission and closeout


  • Construction (phase three)
  • Interim operations plan
  • Commission and closeout


  • Construction (phase four)
  • Interim operations plan
  • Commission and closeout

Click here to view the detailed schedule (updated monthly)

Click here to view the detailed phase one scope 2024-2027

Updates and project milestones

Want to see a presentation or attend a meeting? Click here to view information on the Cowlitz Fisheries Technical Committee.


What improvements are proposed for the Cowlitz Trout Hatchery Remodel Program?  

The Cowlitz Trout Hatchery Remodel Program is divided into multiple phases. Phase 1’s goal is to identify solutions before beginning design and permitting in Phase 2. Overall, the project will focus on incorporating modern technology and designs to enhance fish health, overall survival, operational efficiency, infrastructure reliability, and environmental stewardship. 

Will the trout hatchery remain operational during the remodel? 

Yes, it will remain operational. 

What measures are being taken to minimize environmental impact during the remodel? 

 We will comply with Federal, State, and Local regulations throughout the process to minimize environmental impacts while meeting our compliance and mitigation requirements. 

Will there be any changes to the species or production capacity of the fish hatchery after the rebuild? 

We will raise the same mix of species and have a comparable or greater capacity to produce our current fish programs. For more information on our fish hatchery programs please see our current Fisheries and Hatcheries Management Plan (FHMP) 2020 

 Will access to the boat launch be affected? If so, when and for how long? 

At this time, we are not expecting long-term closures to access the boat launch, although portions (but not all) of the parking lot may be temporarily closed off. At times, there may be short-term (throughout the day) delays to facilitate construction traffic and protect the public and our workers. If long-term closures become necessary, we will post the information at least 24 hours in advance onsite and on our River Flows and Lake Levels page. 

 What are you doing about bird predation? 

Additional bird predation measures at the hatchery will be addressed in the design phase and as part of the alternatives analysis. In 2016, in response to significant fish loss due to bird predation, we installed wires, block nets and wire fencing to protect the fish. Additionally, we increased hazing hours and implemented updated hazing techniques.  We have also improved our fish counting and avian impact monitoring through newer technologies. 

Are you making changes to the ADA access or the ADA Fishing Site? 

We are not planning to change the ADA access or Fishing Site.  

Would you like to ask a question?

Use the form below to submit a comment about the trout hatchery project. All comments are reviewed by TPU.
