Transmission Tariff
Tacoma Power provides wholesale transmission and ancillary services under its Open Access Transmission Tariff.
Tacoma Power’s Open Access Same-Time Information System (OASIS) contains additional transmission and regulatory-related information.
Requests or inquiries about transmission service can be obtained by calling Khanh Thai at 253-502-8195.
Attachment K Transmission Planning Process
Tacoma Power supports a coordinated, open and transparent transmission planning process that is outlined in Attachment K of the OATT.
Local, Sub-Regional, and Regional Transmission Planning
Through its participation and membership in in the Western Electricity Coordinating Council (WECC) and NorthernGrid, Tacoma Power is involved in the coordinated planning processes of the Western Interconnection region and Pacific Northwest. Northern Grid is a single transmission planning association formed by Jurisdictional and non-jurisdictional entities to “facilitate regional transmission planning across the Pacific Northwest and Intermountain West.” Tacoma Power conducts transmission planning for service under its OATT through the planning process as outlined in Attachment K.
Contact Khanh Thai at 253-502-8195 or with any questions or comments.