2020 Agendas & Minutes
Tacoma Public Utilities’ five-member Public Utility Board is appointed by the Tacoma City Council to oversee the utilities’ operations.
Board meetings are:
- Held the second and fourth Wednesday of the month at 6:30 p.m. in the Tacoma Public Utilities Auditorium, 3628 S. 35th St., Tacoma.
- Open to the public for public comment
- Televised live on TV Tacoma and archived to watch any time
Public Utility Board agendas, minutes, and other supporting documents are available for download below.
Click here to submit a comment or question about the 2021-2022 budget and rates process.
- December 9
To comply with Governor Inslee’s Proclamation 20-28, this meeting will not be conducted in-person and will have telephonic and virtual access for the public to attend.
Attendance and public comment for this meeting will be:
- Virtually through Zoom at https://zoom.us/j/96133642326
- Or telephonically by dialing 253-215-8782 and entering the meeting ID 961 3364 2326.
This meeting will be broadcast on TV Tacoma and also live streamed.
Written comments submitted to the Public Utility Board at utilityboard@cityoftacoma.org will be provided to the Board before the meeting if the comments are received by 2:00 p.m.
Cancellation of Regular Meeting
Meeting Materials
- Resolution U-11224
- Resolution U-11225
- Resolution U-11226
- Resolution U-11227
- Resolution U-11228
- Resolution U-11229
- Resolution U-11230
Reports of the Director
- Key Dates
- Draft 2021 Work Plan
- Draft Review Check-In Template
- Draft 2020 Review
- Draft 2022 Review Template
- Draft Racial Equity Action Plan
- November 18
To comply with Governor Inslee’s Proclamation 20-28, this meeting will not be conducted in-person and will have telephonic and virtual access for the public to attend.
Attendance and public comment for this meeting will be:
- Virtually through Zoom at www.zoom.us/j/97936616777
- Or telephonically by dialing 253-215-8782 and entering the meeting ID 979 3661 6777.
This meeting will be broadcast on TV Tacoma and also live streamed.
Written comments submitted to the Public Utility Board at utilityboard@cityoftacoma.org will be provided to the Board before the meeting if the comments are received by 2:00 p.m.
Cancellation of Regular Meeting
Meeting Materials
- Resolution U-11217
- Resolution U-11218
- Resolution U-11219
- Resolution U-11220
- Resolution U-11221
- Resolution U-11222
- Resolution U-11223
Reports of the Director
- Port of Tacoma Strategic Plan
- Summary Memo for Financial Outlook/Budget Report
- Quarterly Financial Outlook
- Budget Performance Report
- Performance Metrics
- Energy Risk Management Report
- Community Outreach/Workforce Planning Project
- Emergency Assistance Program Update
- Association of Marketing & Communications Professionals Award
- November 6
To comply with Governor Inslee’s Proclamation 20-28, this meeting will not be conducted in-person and will have telephonic and virtual access for the public to attend.
Attendance and public comment for these meetings will be:
- Virtually through Zoom: Simply click this link when it is time to join the meeting and follow the prompts: www.zoom.us/j/99909999529
- Or telephonically by dialing 253-215-8782 and entering the meeting ID 999 0999 9529
This meeting will be broadcast on TV Tacoma and also live streamed.
Written comments submitted to the Public Utility Board at utilityboard@cityoftacoma.org will be provided to the Board before the meeting if the comments are received by 10:00 a.m.
Amendment Resolutions
- October 28
To comply with Governor Inslee’s Proclamation 20-28, this meeting will not be conducted in-person and will have telephonic and virtual access for the public to attend.
Attendance and public comment for these meetings will be:
- Virtually through Zoom: Simply click this link when it is time to join the meeting and follow the prompts: www.zoom.us/j/98911708475
- Or telephonically by dialing 253-215-8782 and entering the meeting ID 989 1170 8475.
This meeting will be broadcast on TV Tacoma and also live streamed.
Written comments submitted to the Public Utility Board at utilityboard@cityoftacoma.org will be provided to the Board before the meeting if the comments are received by 2:00 p.m.
Cancellation of Regular Meeting
Meeting Materials
- U-11203
- Motion 20-07
- U-11204
- U-11205
- U-11206
- U-11207 Amended
- U-11208 Amended
- U-11209
- U-11210
- U-11211
- U-11212
- U-11213
- U-11214
- U-11215
- U-11216
- Motion 20-08
August 2020 Financials
Reports of the Director
- October 14
To comply with Governor Inslee’s Proclamation 20-28, this meeting will not be conducted in-person and will have telephonic and virtual access for the public to attend.
Attendance and public comment for these meetings will be:
- Virtually through Zoom: Simply click this link when it is time to join the meeting and follow the prompts: www.zoom.us/j/98359273832
- Or telephonically by dialing 253-215-8782 and entering the meeting ID 983 5927 3832.
This meeting will be broadcast on TV Tacoma and also live streamed.
Written comments submitted to the Public Utility Board at utilityboard@cityoftacoma.org will be provided to the Board before the meeting if the comments are received by 2:00 p.m.
Cancellation of Regular Meeting
Meeting Materials
July 2020 Financials
Reports of the Director
- September 23
To comply with Governor Inslee’s Proclamation 20-28, this meeting will not be conducted in-person and will have telephonic and virtual access for the public to attend.
3 p.m. Public Hearing on the Washington State Department of Commerce Advisory Opinion
6 p.m. Public Hearing on the TPU 2021/2022 biennial budget and proposed rates
Attendance and public comment for these meetings will be:
- Virtually through Zoom: Simply click this link when it is time to join the meeting and follow the prompts: www.zoom.us/j/94887833274
- Or telephonically by dialing 253-215-8782 and entering the meeting ID 948 8783 3274.
This meeting will be broadcast on TV Tacoma and also live streamed.
Written comments submitted to the Public Utility Board at utilityboard@cityoftacoma.org will be provided to the Board before the meeting if the comments are received by 2:00 p.m.
Cancellation of Regular Meeting
Meeting Materials
June 2020 Financials
Reports of the Director
Public Hearing
- September 9
To comply with Governor Inslee’s Proclamation 20-28, this meeting will not be conducted in-person and will have telephonic and virtual access for the public to attend.
Attendance and public comment for this meeting will be:
- Virtually through Zoom: Simply click this link when it is time to join the meeting and follow the prompts: www.zoom.us/j/95356227719
- Or telephonically by dialing 253-215-8782 and entering the meeting ID 953 5622 7719.
This meeting will be broadcast on TV Tacoma and also live streamed.
Written comments submitted to the Public Utility Board at utilityboard@cityoftacoma.org will be provided to the Board before the meeting if the comments are received by 2 p.m.
Cancellation of Regular Meeting
Presentations for Reports of the Director:
- Covid-19 Update
- Products and Services Survey Results
- Tacoma Rail Proposed Budget and Rate Review
- Tacoma Water Proposed Budget and Rate Review
- Board Discussion on Strategic Directive 13 (SD13) on Customer Service
- Board Discussion on Strategic Directive 14 (SD14) on Resource Planning
Meeting Materials:
- August 26
Cancellation of Regular Meeting
Presentations for Reports of the Director:
- Energy Risk Management Quarterly Report
- Budget and Rates Outreach and Communications
- Customer Services Proposed Budget Preview
- Tacoma Power 2021-2022 Revenue Requirement and Update to the Rate Proposals
- Board Strategic Directive 13 (Customer Service)
- Board Strategic Directive 14 (Resource Planning)
May 2020 Financials:
Meeting Materials:
- August 12
Cancellation of Regular Meeting
Presentations for Reports of the Director:
Second Quarter 2020 Budget Performance Reports
April 2020 Financials:
Advanced Meter Installation Contract and Customer Side Repair Policy
Bi-Annual Check-In on Board Strategic Directive One (SD1) on Equity and Inclusion
Bi-Annual Check-In on Board Strategic Directive Four (SD4) on Stakeholder Engagement
Board Discussion on Strategic Directive 10 [SD10] (Government Relations)
Board Discussion on Strategic Directive 11 [SD11] (De-carbonization)
Board Discussion on Strategic Directive 12 [SD12] (Employee Relations)
Meeting Materials:
- July 22
Cancellation of Regular Meeting
Presentations for Reports of the Director:
- Tacoma Power Financial Update and Revenue Requirement Preview
- Tacoma Water Revenue Requirement Preview, Rate Design, and Long Range Financial Plan Update
- Tacoma Power Integrated Resource Plan
- Board Strategic Directive Ten (SD10) on Government Relations
Meeting Materials:
- July 8
Cancellation of Regular Meeting
Presentations for Reports of the Director
Meeting Materials
- June 24
Cancellation of Regular Meeting
Presentations for Reports of the Director
Meeting Materials
- June 10
Cancellation of Regular Meeting
Presentations for Reports of the Director
2019 Audited Annual Financial Reports
- May 27
- Cancellation of Regular Meeting
- Notice of Special Meeting
- Meeting Materials
- Presentations for Reports of the Director
- Advanced Meter Project Program Policies Update and Pre-Pay Overview
- Energy Risk Management/Power Supply Update
- Financial Outlook First Quarter 2020
- Power Rate Policies
- Budget Performance Report and Performance Metrics Fourth Quarter 2019
- Budget Performance Report and Performance Metrics First Quarter 2020
- Financial Outlook and Budget Performance Cover sheet
- Meeting Minutes
- May 13
- April 22
- April 13
- April 8
- March 31
- March 25
Study Session
Regular Meeting
- March 17
- March 11
Study Session
Regular Meeting
- February 26
Study Session
Regular Meeting
- February 12
Study Session
Regular Meeting
- February 4
- January 22
Study Session
Regular Meeting
- January 8
Study Session
Regular Meeting