
824 results for 2021:

  • U-11455.pdf

    Contract 4600011184 ended on December 31, 2020 but was extended to March 31, 2021. In late 2020 and early 2021, the disposal contract was competitively bid, but there were no responses.
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  • PUBMin20200909.pdf

    Closing of the sale is expected on or before mid-February 2021. In response to a Board request for additional information on the easements, boundaries, and trails, Mr.
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  • Min-11-13-19.pdf

    Effective January 1, 2020, wages will increase by three percent; effective January 1, 2021, wages will increase by 2.5 percent; and effective January 1, 2022, wages will increase by 2.25 percent.
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  • U-11370.pdf

    In 2021, a capital project was kicked off to replace the existing PACS.
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  • AffordabilityAssistancePrograms.pdf

    892% increase in assistance for Power • 824% increase in assistance for Water Bill Credit Assistance Plan (BCAP) Power Water Year Accounts Assistance Accounts Assistance 2020 1,495 $173,712 570 $15,141 2021
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  • AssetMgt.pdf

    operated for Public Works • • • • 51 miles of Track 34 Track Switches 76 Grade Crossings • 26 signalized 11 Bridges/trestles Locomotive Maintenance Facility: • Serviced 3,900 foreign locomotives in 2021
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  • Schedule-FC-2024.pdf

    Where Delivery Charge Discount is applied in the year shown: Effective Year 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 Delivery Charge Discount 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6
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  • 5044_TPU_U_Newletter_0921.pdf

    One entry per household. 7 Fall 2021 5044 0921 THE END © 2021 Tacoma Public Utilities We produce and mail this newsletter for about 33 cents each.
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  • IRPWorkshop2-SLIDES.pdf

    discuss the results of the forecasting process. + = System load is projected to decline even before adding the effect of programmatic conservation and codes & standards. 19 + = The load forecast for 2021
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  • Motion-21-08.pdf

    July 14, 2021 MOTION I hereby move that the following motion be approved: 21-08.
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