
824 results for 2021:

  • 5219C_TP_Rates_FactSheet_Commercial_0922_Russian.pdf

    Влияние COVID-19 Во время пандемии мы сократили бюджет и повышение тарифов на 2021 и 2022 гг. У многих потребителей также есть непогашенные задолженности после пандемии.
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  • AMIInstallationCustomerSideRepairPolicy.pdf

    Upcoming Target Dates Initial Meter Deployment Area (IDA) Communications Begin August IDA Meter Installations September/October Mass Meter Communications Begin November/December Mass Meter Installations Q1 2021
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  • PUBSSMin20240327.pdf

    Present: Carlos Watson, Elly Claus-McGahan, Anita Gallagher, John O’Loughlin, William Bridges Miscellaneous As background, Director Flowers shared that in 2021, the Board approved Motion 21-09 which granted
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  • 2023-HAP-Virtual-Info-Session-.pdf

    . • 2021: One CRR-eligible habitat project (LCFRB round). • 2022: CRR habitat projects in LCFRB round • 2023 forward: CRR projects in LCFRB (habitat) and Tacoma Power (HAP) rounds.
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  • Audit-Exit-Conf.pdf

    matter paragraph – Power, Water, Wastewater • As a lessee - recorded right to use asset and lease liabilities • As a lessor – recorded lease receivable and deferred inflow of resources • Restatement of 2021
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  • Solar.pdf

    .  The CPUC is also contemplating implementing an income-graduated fixed charge aimed at mitigating the impacts to income-qualified customers from the cost shift 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
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  • 5219D_TP_Rates_FactSheet_Commercial_0922_Spanish.pdf

    Los impactos del COVID-19 Durante la pandemia, redujimos el presupuesto y la tarifa aumentó en 2021 y 2022. Muchos clientes también tienen saldos adeudados después de la pandemia.
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  • 5206C_TP_Rates_FactSheet_Residential_0922-1_Khmer.pdf

    19 • យើ�ង ឺ តត្បាាតដោ�យការពន្យាាពេ�ល ើ បានកាត់់បន្ថថយការចំំណាយនៅ�អំំឡុុងពេ�លជំំងឺរា នៅ�អំំឡុុងពេ�លជំំងឺឺរាតត្បាាត យើ�ើងបានកាត់់បន្ថថយថវិកា ិ និិងការបង្កើ�ើ�នអត្រា�តម្លៃ�ៃរបស់់ យើ�ើងសម្រា�ប់់ឆ្នាំំ � 2021
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  • AMI-PUB-MIV-and-Customer-Repair-Policy-Presentation-20200812-v1.0.pdf

    Upcoming Target Dates Initial Meter Deployment Area (IDA) Communications Begin August IDA Meter Installations September/October Mass Meter Communications Begin November/December Mass Meter Installations Q1 2021
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  • MossAdamsAudit.pdf

    Liability Revenues and Expenses • Debt repayments, arbitrage liability, discounts and premiums, compliance with debt covenants; third party confirmations with financial institutions; • New debt issuances in 2021
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