Pre-qualification of Electrical Contractors

Pre-qualification of Electrical Contractors 1

Repair work on power lines

Tacoma Power is required by the Revised Code of Washington (RCW) 35.92.350 to request that any person, firm or corporation desiring to bid upon any electrical construction or improvement work answer questions contained in a standard form of questionnaire and financial statement, including a complete statement of their financial ability and experience. Tacoma Power maintains a prequalified contractor list for distribution, transmission, substation and secondary work.

Electrical contractors or subcontractors interested in bidding on utility type work for Tacoma Power must be prequalified at the time the bid solicitation is advertised. State law also requires that prequalified contractors annually update their prequalification questionnaire. We are currently in the process of establishing the prequalification list valid for the year 2025.

Prequalification Application

Pre-qualification of Electrical Contractors

New construction of overhead lines

Prequalification may be established any time within the calendar year. Consistent with State law (Revised Code of Washington 35.92.350), the prequalification status of electrical contractors must be confirmed before we can provide bid submittal forms to parties interested in bidding on electrical work. The City of Tacoma’s solicitation for bids will identify the contractors prequalified to perform the electrical work listed for the project. There is no fee to prequalify.

Tacoma Power will review applications to determine if the contractor has met the prequalification requirements. As part of the review process, Tacoma Power will obtain the contractor’s Washington State Workers’ Compensation Experience Factor. An Experience Factor rating greater than 1.0 may lead to further investigation and possible disqualification.

Complete the 2025 pre-qualification application and return to the email address noted on the application checklist. A hard copy notarized affidavit shall be submitted per application instructions.

The application submittal date will be the date of email receipt. Applicants are responsible for ensuring submissions arrive in the proper location. The City of Tacoma will not be responsible for unsuccessful receipt of documents.

You may view the results of your application submittal by checking the 2025 Tacoma Power Prequalified Electrical Contractors List. Allow two weeks for processing and response to applications.

Performance Review

The City of Tacoma may complete an “Electrical Contractor Performance Review” form evaluating the performance of a prequalified contractor following completion of a project. This form will be used to determine the adequacy of the work performed on the project including quality of work, adequate manpower and equipment, as well as the ability for the contractor to perform work for Tacoma Power in the future. We will share the completed evaluation with the contractor. Any exception a contractor has with the comments on the form should be directed to the project manager within thirty (30) days of receipt. Failure to adequately respond to a poor evaluation within this time frame may be cause for rejection of future bids and removal from the Tacoma Power Prequalification List.

Tacoma Power Contact

If you have questions about the Tacoma Power prequalification process please contact:

Erica Pierce
T&D Business and Financial Management
