
Notice for Saturday, February 22: MyAccount, Pay Boxes, and the IVR will be offline for planned maintenance Saturday, February 22 from 6 to 9 p.m. If you need to make a payment during this time, you can place a check or money order in one of the drop box locations at our offices at 3682 S 35th Street in Tacoma. The drive-up box is in the parking lot directly across the street from the main entrance. Walk-up drop boxes are available at the front and west entrances of the building.

Cowlitz License Documents

These documents form the basis for Tacoma Power’s operation of the Cowlitz River Project:

Studies, Plans and Reports

As Tacoma Power operates the project, the utility submits studies, plans and reports to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission.

Plans Submitted to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission

Downstream Fish Passage
Upstream Fish Passage
Fisheries, Hatchery and Monitoring
Habitat, Lands and Fund
Water Quality
Hydropower Compliance and Public Information

You can download any of these documents and more at the FERC web site by following these steps:

  • Select General Search
  • Enter docket number P-2016 and any other desired search criteria
  • Select Issuance if you are searching for a FERC Approval Order, which FERC issues for each plan
  • Click Submit

For more information, or to submit questions or comments, send us an email at
