Hydro Power

Our four hydro projects generate about three billion kilowatt hours of clean, renewable hydropower each year, enough to serve about half of our customers’ power needs.

Hydropower is:
  • Key to cleaner communities: We generate hydropower with flowing water, a naturally replenishing resource that produces no carbon emissions. This helps keep our air clean and costs low.
  • Key to stablizing the grid: Hydropower is flexible, so it can immediately generate power on the grid, providing essential backup power during major electricity outages or disruptions when other sources aren’t available.
  • Key to local job creation: Hydropower is entirely produced in the United States. We provide full-time careers, contract/seasonal positions, and internships.
  • Key to a dependable clean energy future: Hydropower is the renewable that enables wind and solar to be integrated onto the power grid.

In addition, Tacoma Power’s projects support major fish and wildlife programs, and provide excellent parks and recreation.

Our Hydropower Projects

Our projects are licensed through the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission.

Education & Tours

Tacoma Power has an active energy education program. It helps support the Foundation for Water and Energy Education, a great source of basic information about hydropower.

Free group tours of Tacoma Power’s hydroelectric facilities are available by appointment to school, civic, business and recreational groups during regular working hours. We can’t guarantee tours will be available at all sites throughout the year, but we will work with staff to accommodate your request.

To make arrangements for a tour, please complete this request form.

Tour Request Form

Tours are available at all four of Tacoma’s hydro facilities:

In order for our staff to properly prepare, please request your tour at least one month in advance of your desired tour date. We recommend that groups do not exceed 50 people. If you have a special circumstance, please make a note in the “additional information” field.


Tacoma Power is an active member in the communities where our projects are located.

Tacoma Power maintains a role in the communities through participation in the local chambers of commerce, the White Pass Scenic Byway, the Nisqually River Council, the Lower Columbia Fish Enhancement Group, the Lower Columbia Fish Recovery Board and Forterra.

Our staff members show strong support for their local communities by supporting United Way and assisting many local organizations and schools.
