
Notice for Saturday, February 22: MyAccount, Pay Boxes, and the IVR will be offline for planned maintenance Saturday, February 22 from 6 to 9 p.m. If you need to make a payment during this time, you can place a check or money order in one of the drop box locations at our offices at 3682 S 35th Street in Tacoma. The drive-up box is in the parking lot directly across the street from the main entrance. Walk-up drop boxes are available at the front and west entrances of the building.

Click! Network Update

Updated April 1, 2020

As of April 1, 2020, The Click! Network has transferred operational control to Rainier Connect.

Go to Rainier Connect

March 30 Press Release: Tacoma Public Utilities Moves Forward with Transition of Click! Network

During the first week of March, Click! Cable TV customers received a letter with information about the transfer of operational control to Rainier Connect effective April 1, 2020. You can read the full letter by clicking here. This letter follows two previous notices sent to customers in October and November 2019.

Service to existing customers will continue to work without interruption. There is no impact to channel lineup, billing date, or bill amount.

Beginning April 1, customers should contact Rainier Connect for billing and support. Visit the Rainier Connect website for more information.


On Tuesday, Nov. 5, the Tacoma City Council approved the following resolutions related to the Click! Network. 

Watch the video recording.

Press Release: City Council Approves Agreements with Rainier Connect to Operate Click! Network

Resolution No. 40467 – A resolution declaring surplus, pursuant to RCW 35.94.040, certain utility-owned property, including certain inventory, equipment, and vehicles allocated to the Click! Network together with the excess capacity of the Tacoma Power HFC Network, part of which is the Click! Commercial Network.

Resolution No. 40468 – A resolution authorizing execution of the Click! Business Transaction Agreement by and between Tacoma Power and Mashell, Inc., doing business as Rainier Connect and Rainier Connect North LLC.


Key Materials

Wednesday, Oct. 30 – Public Utility Board Meeting
Watch video recording
Resolution No. U-11116
Press Release: Public Utility Board approves agreements with Rainier Connect to operate Click! Network

Tuesday, Oct. 29 – City of Tacoma’s Citizen’s Forum
Watch video recording

Wednesday, Oct. 23 – Public Utility Board Meeting

Watch video recording

Key Materials

Below you will find the materials for the Public Hearing by the Public Utility Board, pursuant to RCW 35.95.040, relating to Click!, on the surplus and potential use of the excess capacity of the Tacoma Power Commercial Network where the user pays for the capital and operating costs related to the excess capacity, while the City retains full ownership of the Network; and on the surplus and potential sale of related inventory, equipment, and vehicles; and on review of proposed agreements with Rainier Connect.

Note: Please be mindful when printing the documents below as the files are large. A printed version is available to view in TPU lobby. 

Important Facts
  • The Click! Network currently provides retail Cable TV and wholesale Internet services. Retail internet services are provided by our private partners.
  • Click! has not been a financially viable enterprise for the City for several years. We have considerably scaled back our operating expenses, however, that is not sustainable for the long term. There are no funds available for capital improvements to upgrade our aging infrastructure.
  • Rainier Connect was selected to operate the system through a competitive bidding process.
  • Rainier Connect is one of the Click! Network’s current Internet providers that will now be providing video service. The primary difference is that Rainier Connect will provide cable service, not TPU.
  • Rainier Connect is expected to offer a diverse set of products and services at competitive, market prices and to comply with the policy goals of providing low-income, affordable access.
  • To ensure consistency with the City Charter, City Council will be asked to “declare surplus” to the Power Utility, the Click! Network assets, which is simply a legal term to indicate that we no longer plan to use them for utility purposes. A public hearing will be held in advance of that decision. The City will not sell the network; in fact, it will remain a city asset indefinitely.
  • The network is currently used for both electric operations and Cable TV and Internet, and City Council would only surplus the parts of the network related to the provision of Cable TV and Internet that are not needed for electric operations.

Policy Goals

Using a public-private partnership is the best way to accomplish the 12 policy goals adopted by the City Council and Public Utility Board. These 12 policy goals were identified with significant input from the community.

Top three policy goals:

  1. Public ownership of the Click! Network – Continuing public ownership of the telecommunications assets, especially those assets necessary for Tacoma Power operations.
  2. Preserving competition – Preserving competition among telecommunication providers that benefits customers (such as high-quality, technologically up-to-date, and reasonably priced telecommunications services).
  3. Affordability – Creating low-income, affordable access to telecommunications services

Public stakeholders considered all policy goals important, however, the ranking determined by stakeholders indicated the goals listed below could be accomplished within the top three goal definitions.

Click! Network Update 7

Click! Network Update 12

Click! Network Update 9

Click! Network Update 14

Click! Network Update 13

Click! Network Update 8

Click! Network Update 11

Click! Network Update 10

Click! Network Update 6


Media Releases and Fact-Sheets
Archived Click! Presentations and Videos

On March 5, 2019, a third-party consultant, Joanne Hovis of CTC Technology & Energy, presented how each of the two final proposals align with the 12 policy goals adopted by the Board and City Council for a public-private partnership. These 12 goals were prioritized through stakeholder meetings conducted by the Center for Dialogue and Resolution (CDR). She also recommended moving forward with Rainier Connect.

The public-private partnership term sheets protect the public interest across all of the policy goals – including equity, net neutrality, data privacy, low-income affordability, and robust competition.

TPU will retain ownership of the existing network and take ownership of all upgrades the private partner makes to the network. Click here to download a two-page fact sheet about this process

You can view that presentation here:

On March 26, 2019 the Tacoma City Council voted to adopt a resolution to pursue negotiations with Tacoma-based internet service provider, Rainier Connect, for expansion of the existing public-private partnership, which includes maintaining the Click! Network as a publicly-owned asset.

Watch the recording of the March 13 Public Utility Board Meeting online.

Watch the recording of the March 18 special Public Utility Board Meeting online. 

Watch the recording of the March 19 City of Tacoma’s Citizen’s Forum online. 

The opportunity for public comment was provided during all meetings listed above.

Supporting Documents