
Notice for Saturday, February 22: MyAccount, Pay Boxes, and the IVR will be offline for planned maintenance Saturday, February 22 from 6 to 9 p.m. If you need to make a payment during this time, you can place a check or money order in one of the drop box locations at our offices at 3682 S 35th Street in Tacoma. The drive-up box is in the parking lot directly across the street from the main entrance. Walk-up drop boxes are available at the front and west entrances of the building.

Tacoma Public Utilities has not taken a position on proposed methanol plant

A recent luncheon hosted by City Club of Tacoma featured a panel discussion about the proposed methanol plant in Tacoma. Tacoma Public Utility Board Chair Bryan Flint made some comments at the meeting that reflect his opinion, but do not represent Tacoma Public Utilities.

“In expressing my frustration at the City Club program on March 16 concerning the absence of answers to questions that have been raised in public about the methanol proposal, I was representing my own personal views and not the position of the Tacoma Public Utility Board or TPU staff,” Flint said.

TPU has not taken a position on the proposed development. Final permitting decisions will be made by the City of Tacoma and other agencies, after a review conducted under the State Environmental Policy Act – SEPA.  TPU will assist the City in providing information and analysis during that review that relate to questions about power and water supplies.

TPU has a legal obligation under state law to serve water and power to all customers within its service territories, and to acquire supplies and develop facilities (if necessary) to do so.  Issues involving power and water supplies should be addressed in the SEPA review process. TPU will be involved in that process.

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