Water Quality

Supplying you and your family with safe and reliable drinking water is our highest priority. Along with ensuring public health, maintaining water quality enhances our quality of life, supports the region’s economy and protects natural resources.

To accomplish all this, Tacoma Water exceeds federal regulations regarding the testing of our drinking water. For example, federal rules require that we test our water supply for more than 80 regulated contaminants and more than 50 unregulated chemicals, even if they do not exist in our water.

We also take weekly samples from throughout our water distribution system to check for bacteria and adequate chlorine levels. While the Washington State Department of Health requires us to take 150 samples per month, we routinely take more than 200.

To learn more about your water, review our most recent Water Quality Report, also known as the Consumer Confidence Report, as well as this detailed water analysis from 2023. You can also click here to view reports from previous years.

For more information about water quality, call us at 253-502-8207 during regular business hours, which are Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. If you have a water quality concern after hours or on a weekend, please call us at 253-502-8344.

Water Sample StationTo ensure safe and reliable water, we collect weekly samples for testing from strategic points around our distribution system. This ensures when water gets to your home, it’s as safe as when it left our facility. Interested in learning more about where our water comes from and how it gets to you? Click the photo to download our free activity book. A great resource for adults and kids alike.

