Find a Commercial Contractor

Hiring the right contractor can make a big difference in the scope, timeframe and cost of your project. Working with vendors who’ve been trained by our staff and who have participated in Tacoma Power rebate programs in the past means your rebate and incentive process will go more smoothly.

Click here to view general tips for hiring a contactor if your project is not related to our business rebates.

Tacoma Power Qualified Contractors

While we do not install equipment, give price quotes or endorse specific products or contractors, we do have references for contractors we’ve trained and worked with in the past.

If you are looking for a commercial contractor to install HVAC/mechanical equipment, visit the Trade Ally Network Northwest’s website here.

Contractors on our list:

  • Are experienced, licensed, bonded and insured.
  • Are registered with the NW Trade Ally Network.
  • Must meet performance standards.
  • Will help you get the maximum rebate.
  • Can answer questions about our programs and help with any rebate paperwork.

Bright Rebates Contractors

At this time, we only have a contractor list for the Bright Rebates program.

Tacoma Power provides this list as a courtesy and for general information purposes only. Tacoma Power customers may work with any listed company in connection with the program, but are not required to do so and customers reserve the right to select and work with companies not included on the list. Tacoma Power reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to include or remove any company from the list and to revise the form and content of listed information at any time.

Bright Rebates Contractor List – Current as of June 1, 2024

Tacoma Power does not endorse any of the companies listed above and makes no representations or warranties, express or implied, regarding the accuracy of the information provided, the licensing, bonding or insurance status of any listed company, or the quality of expected or actual service by any listed company. 

For more information, please contact us at:

Here are a few general tips to help you find a qualified contractor:

  • Get a minimum of three contractor bids for any project.
  • Ask potential contractors what size and type of work they do to find contractors who fit your project’s size and scope.
  • Ask for recent references. Call those references and ask about their experience.
  • Verify the contractor is licensed, bonded and insured.
  • Confirm the new proposed system or product(s) meets your facility’s needs.
  • Confirm the written warranty on the installation (for materials and labor) with the contractor.
  • Ask for the manufacturer’s documents (specification sheets) and confirm quality and life expectancy of proposed equipment.
  • Always have a signed, written proposal with your contractor before work begins. The proposal should specify all costs (including our incentives), equipment model numbers, job schedule and warranty (material and labor) information. Never begin a project without one. Please note, some of our rebates and programs also require signed contracts with us before work begins.
  • Discuss material disposal with your contractor. It should be included in the proposal if special disposal is required. For example, fluorescent lamps and ballasts are considered hazardous waste.