Save Water & Lower Your Bill
When you save water, you lower your bill while also protecting our environment. Fortunately, there are many simple ways to save water every day.

We all use water everyday. When you save water, you can help lower your bill, while also protecting our environment. To learn more more about ways to conserve water and try fun, hands-on investigations at home, click the photo above to download our free activity book. A great resource for adults and kids alike.
Free Water-Saving Products
Use our easy online form to request efficient showerheads, faucet aerators and outdoor watering supplies such as a hose spray nozzle and hose timer – all free for Tacoma Water customers (must live in the Tacoma Water service area). The kits are custom-built; you choose what you need for your home and we’ll deliver it to you. These products will help you begin saving water immediately.
Request your kitLearn tips on finding and fixing leaks in your house and yard. We also offer suggestions via phone and video chat. Contact us at 253-502-8723 or to learn more.
Learn more about our current water supply outlook.
Below are practical tips and tools to help you use less water at your home or business and save money on your utility bills.
- Water Saving Tools and Resources
This tool helps you calculate approximately how much water you use each day. It also shows you which water uses in your home are efficient and which are not and offers simple conservation tips.
Use this online calculator from the American Water Works Association to estimate your water waste and see how much you could be saving.
This detailed guide from Tacoma Water includes water use facts, conservation tips, resources and information on water-efficient appliances and products.
- Ways to Save Water
Fix and Prevent Leaks
The average American home wastes about 10,000 gallons of water per year, mostly due to small leaks. That is enough to fill a backyard swimming pool! Fortunately, it is easy to prevent most leaks once you know what to do.
Learn more about finding and fixing leaks.
Install a High-Efficiency Toilet
High-efficiency toilets use as little as 1 gallon of water or less per flush compared with older models that use 3.5-5 gallons per flush. If you have an older toilet, replacing it with an efficient model would save up to 2,400 gallons of water per month and reduce your annual water bill by about $78. When shopping for a high-efficiency toilet, be sure to look for the WaterSense label.
Install a Water-Efficient Showerhead
By installing efficient showerheads, a family of four could save 3,600 gallons of water and $60 in utility costs per year. New, efficient showerheads use 1.5 to 2 gallons of water per minute, while showerheads manufactured before 1994 use 2.75 to 8 gallons per minute.
To get your free water-efficient showerhead, fill out our online form.
Use Faucet Aerators
Faucet aerators screw on to the end of your faucet and mix air with the water flow to reduce water use. Efficient faucets with an aerator use just half a gallon per minute and costs you 80 cents per month, while standard faucets using 2.5 gallons per minute can cost you about four dollars per month.
To get your free aerator, fill out our online form.
Try a Newer Dishwasher
Newer, more efficient dishwashers use as little as 3 gallons of water per cycle or less, compared with older models that can use up to 14. When doing dishes, make the most of each load by filling the dishwasher to capacity. If you wash dishes by hand, filling the sink and adding soap rather than running the water as you wash saves a significant amount of water.
Upgrade Your Clothes Washer
The average household washes 300 loads of laundry each year. Using a new, more efficient model that takes 10 gallons per load can reduce your water use by 75%.
Outdoor Watering and Yard Care
During the summer, water demand in our area increases by about 60%, mostly due to outdoor water use. Unfortunately, about half of this water is wasted due to overwatering. To help reduce water waste, and lower your water bill, you only need to water one inch per week or you may want to install an efficient sprinkler system.
For practical tips on maintaining healthy lawns, shrubs and gardens, including how to properly install and use a sprinkler system, see the following resources:
- Smart Irrigation Rebate
Tacoma Water customers may be eligible for a rebate to upgrade or purchase a new WaterSense smart irrigation controller and hose timer. These products are smart choices to help you reduce water waste and lower your utility bill.
A smart irrigation controller automatically adjusts your watering schedule according to the weather and many provide convenient access via mobile applications. Hose timers easily automate your hose-end sprinklers, drip irrigation system, or soaker hose, for improved consistency.
Learn more about our rebates: