
824 results for 2021:

  • 5079C_TPU_Annual_Report_Financial_Highlights_2021_Single_WEB_0922_OUT.pdf

    TACOMA POWER FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS In millions, for the years ended December 31, 2021 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 $ 472.1 $ 418.8 $ 476.8 $ 473.7 $ 464.4 $ 450.7 $ 425.7 $ 413.7 $ 447.0
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  • FleetAnn2022-FINAL.pdf

    , 2021, respectively.
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  • 2022_TPU_Financial_Highlights.pdf

    TACOMA POWER FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS In millions, for the years ending on December 31 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 $ 478.4 $ 471.2 $ 476.8 $ 473.7 $ 464.4 373.1 376.4 359.6 410.9 335.4 Income Available for Debt
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  • UP-Rates-Pres-for-C4-and-C5.pdf

    2021-2022 University Place Rates | PUBLIC UTILITY BOARD MEETING JANUARY 27, 2020 1 1 OVERVIEW • Request for approval of 2021-2022 University Place power and water rates • Recent utility tax approval by
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  • 11_Holowatz-Cowlitz-Science-Harvest-Trends_942024.pdf

    2022 Cowlitz Fall Chinook Harvest 2002-2022 6,000 5,000 4,000 3,000 2,000 1,000 0 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Lower Cowlitz 2013 2014 Tilton 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
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  • PowerFinancing.pdf

    Proposed Financing Transactions $150 Million Series 2021 Bonds $150 Million Note Purchase Agreement $50 Million Liquidity Agreement Bill Berry Rates, Planning, and Analysis Manager June 30, 2021 1 Proposed
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  • PowerBudget.pdf

    : loss of about $1.9M every year going forward • Make up for budget reductions in 2021/22 to address the uncertainty of COVID impacts • Reinstating deferred resource requests from 2021/22 Labor and Materials
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  • 05_22Water.pdf

    2022 YEAR TO DATE MAY 31 MAY 31 2022 2021 MAY 2021 2022 OVER (UNDER) 2021 PERCENT CHANGE SALES OF WATER Residential and Domestic $4,393,038 $4,086,230 $24,468,629 $23,040,416 $1,428,213 6.2% Commercial
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  • 03_22Rail.pdf

    YEAR TO DATE March March March 31, March 31, 2022/2021 PERCENT 2022 2021 2022 2021 VARIANCE CHANGE LINE HAULS--INTERMODAL $737,898 $864,215 $2,264,524 $2,288,970 ($24,446) -1.1% LINE HAULS--COMMERCIAL
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  • 06_22Rail.pdf

    YEAR TO DATE June June June 30, June 30, 2022/2021 PERCENT 2022 2021 2022 2021 VARIANCE CHANGE SWITCHING REVENUES LINE HAULS--INTERMODAL $527,664 $932,095 $4,036,249 $5,291,797 LINE HAULS--COMMERCIAL
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