
824 results for 2021:

  • 04_22Water.pdf

    APRIL 2022 YEAR TO DATE APRIL 30 APRIL 30 2022 2021 APRIL 2021 2022 OVER (UNDER) 2021 PERCENT CHANGE SALES OF WATER Residential and Domestic $5,355,758 $5,344,712 $20,075,592 $18,954,187 $1,121,405 5.9%
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  • 10_2023-APR-Presentation_MURPHY-.pdf

    BY 2021 FALL CHINOOK ORIGIN MARKS IN FISH GUST BACK. Hatchery (HOR) Ad Clipped Only 1,600 AHN Integrated (H/W) Ad Clipped+CWT Wild (NOR) Unmarked BREMER BR. PACKWOOD CISPUS R.
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  • Motion-20-08.pdf

    Tacoma Water’s 2021-2022 budget is $281.6 million.
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  • Motion-20-08-1.pdf

    Tacoma Water’s 2021-2022 budget is $281.6 million.
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  • 2022Q1PerfMetrics.pdf

    Overall Satisfaction with Electric Service: Tacoma Power 2018 2019 2020 2021 2021 Overall Satisfaction: Industry Ranking 89.0 100% 75 76% 80% 77% 76% 80% 60% 50 40% 25 0 2019 20% 0% Least Fav 3rd 2nd
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  • 04_21-SIFS.pdf

    City of Tacoma, Washington Department of Public Utilities Self-Insurance Claim Fund Statements of Net Position (Unaudited) April 30, 2021 and April 30, 2020 ASSETS 2021 2020 CURRENT Cash and Equity in
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  • 05_21Self.pdf

    (Unaudited) May 31, 2021 and May 31, 2020 May 2021 May 2020 YEAR-TO-DATE May May 2021 2020 $126,479 7,149 $153,334 13,253 $632,398 (114,221) $766,667 16,565 ($134,269) (130,786) -17.5% -789.5% 133,628
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  • 07_21Self.pdf

    City of Tacoma, Washington Department of Public Utilities Self-Insurance Claim Fund Statements of Net Position (Unaudited) July 31, 2021 and July 31, 2020 ASSETS 2021 2020 CURRENT Cash and Equity in Pooled
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  • 08_21Self.pdf

    Position (Unaudited) August 31, 2021 and August 31, 2020 YEAR-TO-DATE August August 2021 2020 August 2021 August 2020 $126,479 7,097 $153,334 13,203 $1,011,837 (92,765) $1,226,667 54,489 ($214,830) (147,254
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  • 03_22Power.pdf

    million primarily due to the reversal of the 2021 GASB 31 Gain/Loss entry.
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