
824 results for 2021:

  • MitigationStabilizationSite.pdf

    Temporary Mitigation/Stabilization Site Update City of Tacoma | Neighborhood and Community Services Tacoma Public Utility Board July 28, 2021 11 OVERVIEW • History of Addressing Homelessness • Shelter
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  • PUBSpecMtgMing20220126.pdf

    Berry also reviewed 2021 financing transactions that saved $27M to $30M between 2015 and 2021 by using Wells Fargo agreement to pay capital expenditures as they occur.
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  • ss-8-14-19-1.pdf

    January through April 2021, staff will negotiate and draft financing agreements and bond documents. In May 2021, a rating agency overview of the financial plan and internal staff review.
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  • SD12EmployeeRelations-1.pdf

    Implementation of Plans • Class and Comp Study: Recommendations due late Fall 2021 • Workforce Equity Study: Recommendations due May 2021 Building out the HR Dashboard • Hiring Sr.
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  • MeetingCancellationNotice20210310.pdf

    :30 p.m. meeting of Wednesday, March 10, 2021 have been cancelled.
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  • PUBMin20210224.pdf

    through December 31, 2021 Mr.
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  • Q1BudgetReportWrittenOnly.pdf

    Power Water Rail Biennial Budget Budget Performance Report 1st Quarter 2022 TACOMA PUBLIC UTILITIES 2021/2022 BIENNIAL BUDGET PERFORMANCE REPORTS* 1ST QUARTER 2022 Table of Contents Page Tacoma Power Budget
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  • 2022-BPER-Q3.pdf

    Power Water Rail Biennial Budget Budget Performance Report 3rd Quarter 2022 TACOMA PUBLIC UTILITIES 2021/2022 BIENNIAL BUDGET PERFORMANCE REPORTS* 3rd QUARTER 2022 Table of Contents Page Tacoma Power Budget
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  • 15_Chinook-Monitoring-in-the-Lower-Cowlitz_fall_090424.pdf

    Results: M-R vs. redd-expansion, 2021-23 Results: Bias-correction factor for redd estimates • Annual correction factor generated by dividing estimates. • Average of three year’s estimates.
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  • NoticeAgenda-10-27-21.pdf

    SPECIAL MEETING NOTICE City of Tacoma Public Utility Board Wednesday, October 27, 2021 3:00 P.M.
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