
824 results for 2021:

  • Motion-21-11.pdf

    Tacoma Public Utilities 2021 Mid-Biennium Budget Adjustment Request October 27, 2021 1 City Mid-Mod Process Standard practice for entities with biennial budgets • State Law requires cities with biennial
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  • LRFP-Slidedoc-2019_Final.pdf

    2029 Impact Analysis Adverse Water Conditions in 2021 and 2022 Projected Rate Increase Adverse Water in 2021 & 2022 This scenario represents how we traditionally plan for water conditions when we set
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  • PortofTacomaStratPlan.pdf

    finalize plan Commission decision on adoption Final Plan available online and printed Our Strategic Plan process is expected to run through February 2021. 1.
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  • Min-12-9-20-1.pdf

    extended by the Governor to April 30, 2021.
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  • AMI-2.pdf

    Forecast includes best known assumptions and schedule impacts. 2Feb. • Approx. $44,600,000 spent to date (through Dec. 2021) • Currently in the final phase of a 5 year project • Forecast range reflects
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  • NoticeAgenda-9-8-21.pdf

    SPECIAL MEETING NOTICE City of Tacoma Public Utility Board Wednesday, September 8, 2021 3:00 P.M.
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  • Combined-SS-8-14-19.pdf

    * The cost of service analysis for 2021 will be conducted during the 2021-2022 budget and rate cycle.
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  • Water-Supply-Outlook.pdf

    BAMS Stone et al. 2020 MWR Reynolds et al. 2019 MWR Lavers et al. 2018 GRL Lavers et al. 2020 Wea Fore Lavers et al. 2020 Nature Comms Zhang and Ralph 2021 MWR Prince et al. 2021 GRL Haase et al. 2021
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  • SD11-1.pdf

    as a driver of economic development and a competitive advantage for existing customers.” 2 2 Legislative/Regulatory 2022 decarbonization rules to be established and implemented Jan. 2023 Support • In 2021
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  • SD11.pdf

    -2022 program spending 4 4 Legislative Support 2021 Legislative Session-Rules to be established by Jan. 2023 • HB 1091 – Low Carbon Fuel Standard.
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