
824 results for 2021:

  • 2022IRPWorkshop2PrepMaterials.pdf

    Tacoma Power created one of the first electrofuel tariffs in 2021.
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  • Energy-RiskMgtPowerSupply.pdf

    ) Average (2011-2021) 12 Wholesale Net Revenues – 2023/2024 Graph 9: Actual Wholesale Revenues On Pace with Budget, Early Projections Exceed Budget (Cumulative Actual vs.
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  • 2022-07-Sat-Rearing.pdf

    A Decision Document (2021-07) was approved in 2021 that supported planning with the intent of design and construction of one project from the following options: Option 2 - Overwinter Fry/Sub-yearling collection
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  • PUBMin20201028.pdf

    The switching tariff rate adjustments for 2021 include a 3 percent increase over current rates.
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  • Water-LRFP-Presentation.pdf

    2021 Long-Range Financial Plan Public Utility Board Meeting | January 12, 2022 What is a LRFP and why do we have one?
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  • U-11337.pdf

    2021 TRC Commercial Electrification Study 2021 TRC Commercial Electrification Study 2021 TRC Commercial Electrification Study 2021 TRC Commercial Electrification Study 2021 TRC Commercial Electrification
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  • CommunityOutreachInternshipProgram.pdf

    Q1 – Draft RFP’s for 3 cohorts per year– 1 pre-apprenticeship / 2 cohort on demand • 2021 Q1 – Develop Project Position pilot model for 2022 9 9 Water Utility Worker • Foundation of our Workforce • Wage
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  • Cowlitz-FTC-DD-2020-04-Coho-Adults-Tilton.pdf

    The FTC supports the decision to continue transport of adult Coho into Tilton River throughout the 2020/2021 adult return year with the understanding that the previously negotiated FHMP cap of 6,000 fish
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  • 2022-07a-Sat-Rear-Final.pdf

    A Decision Document (2021-07) was approved in 2021 that supported planning with the intent of design and construction of one project from the following options: Option 2 - Overwinter Fry/Sub-yearling collection
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  • PUBSSMin20220511.pdf

    In 2021, the utility experienced financial relief due to above average water and higher wholesale market prices. This year Power has already experienced inflation and supply chain delays.
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