
824 results for 2021:

  • EquityinContracting.pdf

    Possible Discrimination Economic Development Projects Vendor Rotation Institute Race & Gender-Based Subcontracting Goals 44 2022 ACTIONS Allocation of Resources Forecast Opportunities Supportive Services 2021
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  • U-11353-1.pdf

    Effective January 1, 2021. Prepaid residential service Schedule PR. Effective January 1, 2021. Small general service - Schedule B. Effective April 1, 2022. Repealed. Repealed. Repealed.
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  • PUBMin20201014.pdf

    Bedient explained that the timeframe for awarding the grant is spring 2021. Whatever funds are provided will be credited back to the water funding source.
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  • Tacoma-Power-2022-IIRP.pdf

    2021 TRC Commercial Electrification Study 2021 TRC Commercial Electrification Study 2021 TRC Commercial Electrification Study 2021 TRC Commercial Electrification Study 2021 TRC Commercial Electrification
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  • 2022-09-CRR-Strategy-Update-Final.pdf

    In 2021, the FTC approved an interim update to the Implementation Strategy specifically to support the including CRR habitat proposals in the 2022 LCFRB salmon recovery grant round (DD 2021-08).
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  • 2024-02-CRR-Cispus-Reconnection_Amendment_FINAL.pdf

    At its November 2021 meeting, the FTC agreed by consensus to approve the project for funding (DD 2021-09 available at the FTC public website).
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  • Tacoma-Public-Utility-Board-Meeting-Notice-Nov-7-8_2019.pdf

    Recap/follow-up from day one Prioritization and assignment of Board Strategic Directives; continued discussion of Board Governance Processes, and Board-Director Linkage Policies Budget/Financing for 2021
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  • ElectrificationStudy.pdf

    Cars - Busses - Trucks - Fleets 2 Electrification Futures Assessment 3 Electrification Futures Assessment City of Tacoma Climate Action Plan: 2050 Net Zero Scenario City of Tacoma Climate Action Plan (2021
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  • Not20210817-SSandPUBJntMtg.pdf

    Board study session will be held on Tuesday, August 17, 2021 at noon.
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  • U-11446.pdf

    7/23/2021 8/3/2021 8/6/2021 8/13/2021 August 2021 INQUIRIES Please submit question in writing to Tad Carlson, Senior Buyer, by email to
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