
824 results for 2021:

  • U-11362.pdf

    TPU's legislative agenda was last approved by the Public Utility Board via Resolution U-11293 on November 17, 2021.
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  • 2015TechnicalAppendix_BPA-Products-Analysis.pdf

    This analysis used the 2019-2021 price forecast to calculate what BPA would charge for the two products. The cost for Slice is $127,014,000/yr.
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  • CustomerSatisfaction.pdf

    Receive water leak detection alerts Phase 2: Delivered Functionality New features released between 2021 and 2023 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
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  • U-11462.pdf

    CONTRACT HISTORY: This contract was originally awarded to Retail Lockbox Inc as a result of FI21-0595F in September 2021.
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  • 2022IRPWorkshop2-NOTES.pdf

    We will use our most recent (2021) load forecast in the 2022 IRP. See PowerPoint for detailed coverage QUESTION | How are the peaks of the “normal” derived?
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  • 2024_PreQual_ApplicationFinal.pdf

    Employee man hours worked last year __________Hours Please list your company’s Worker’s Compensation Experience Modification Rate for the most recent three years: 2023 ____________ 2022 ____________ 2021
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  • U-11311.pdf

    The high level of use at Tacoma Power's campgrounds continued in 2021 and is expected to continue in the future.
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  • PUBSpecMtgMin20220223.pdf

    This property was identified as potential for affordable housing and was included in an RFP in 2021; and has been offered to the Puyallup Tribe and was then marketed to the community at large, which resulted
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  • 5219B_TP_Rates_FactSheet_Commercial_0922_Khmer.pdf

    ើរជាងមុុនទៅ�នឹឹងប្រ�ព័័ន្ធធ គណនីអ ី នឡាញរបស់់យើ�ង ើ ។ នៅ�អំំឡុុងពេ�លជំំងឺឺរាតត្បាាត យើ�ើងបានកាត់់បន្ថថយថវិកា ិ និិងការបង្កើ�ើ�នអត្រា�តម្លៃ�ៃរបស់់ យើ�ង ៏ នតុុល្យយភាពទឹក ិ នជាច្រើ��ន ើ សម្រា�ប់់ឆ្នាំំ � 2021
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  • PUBMin20230614.pdf

    U-11273, item 4, on August 25, 2021. The principal amount for Agreement No.
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