
824 results for 2021:

  • Water-Budget-and-Rates-Updated-Version-PUB-SS-2024.08.28.pdf

    Balance Total Reserve Spend-down Year Year-end Balance 2019 67,999,772 - 38,261,216 - 73,294,466 - 179,555,454 - 2020 66,638,225 (1,361,547) 41,220,865 2,959,649 77,260,182 3,965,716 185,119,272 5,563,818 2021
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  • PUBMin20220427.pdf

    Total paperless billing enrollments in 2021 were 5,283; 77,404 migrated users have logged in; 871 brand new user registrations; and there have been 22,413 payment transactions.
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  • RailAnn19.pdf

    This law repealed the excise tax completely and removes the Health Insurer Fee permanently beginning in 2021.
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  • 5284_TW_WaterQualityReport_2022_0623_WEB_OUT.pdf

    In 2021, the Washington State Department of Health adopted 6 2 0 2 2 WAT E R Q UA L I T Y R E P O R T State Action Levels for five PFAS compounds.
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  • 5284A_TW_WaterQualityReport2023_0624-WEB.pdf

    ) 0 0-1.7 ppb Yes Natural erosion Nitrate 10 ppm 4.06 ppm (2021) 10 ppm 0-4.06 ppm Yes Agricultural uses, septic 5 ppb 1.4 ppb (2020) 0 0-1.4 ppb Yes Industrial contamination 0.72 ppb (2020) N/R 0-0.72
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  • U-11349.pdf

    The City and IBEW Local 483 have begun successor negotiations to the Supervisors collective bargaining agreement which expired on December 31, 2021.
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  • IRPWorkshop1_Slides-updated2.18.2020.pdf

    capability • Simulated 5 natural gas risk iterations • Adjusted demand forecasts to 19502007 water years Aurora: Production Cost Model Natural Gas Price 12 10 8 6 4 2045 2042 2039 2036 2033 2030 2027 2024 2021
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  • U-11312.pdf

    General Government ro7 L26,000 Tacoma Public Utilities 40.4 39,400 Total L62.4 s18o,7oo E fThoünä City of Tacoma Memorandum Funding lor 2O2L-2022 The cost of the proposed wage increase is partially in the 2021
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  • U-11363.pdf

    , 2021 Public Load Service Information Forum #3 July 16, 2021 Public webinar on WRAP governance and design updates July 28, 2021 Release of the WRAP “Detailed Design Document” August 4, 2021 Public resource
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  • WestRockPublicHearing.pdf

    Capital Reserves Reserves have been spent down between 2020 and 2023, with continued spend included in the Base Case LRFP Operating Reserve Spend-down Year Year-end Balance 2019 67,999,772 2020 66,638,225 2021
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