
824 results for 2021:

  • 2016-annual-report.pdf

    Drinking Water State Revolving Fund Loans 2002 construction loan for the Portland Avenue Reservoir, with interest of 2.5% per annum, due in yearly installments of $161,053 through 2021.
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  • 2020-TPU-Director-Review-Final-070820.pdf

    outreach commitment to provide safe process that includes the Board, the and reliable power, water, Council, Franchise Cities, and other key and rail services over the long stakeholders by January 1, 2021
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  • SS-9-11-19.pdf

    Implement Foundational Recommendations • Present – December 2019 • Phase II: Implement Major Policy Advancements • January 2020 – December 2020 • Phase III: Evaluate, Learn, Adjust and Revise • January 2021
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  • 2022IRP-Technical-Doc-FYI.pdf

    In 2020, we opted to build off work done by the NW Power and Conservation Council to determine which of the 172 models to incorporate into its modeling for the 2021 Power Plan.
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  • Q1_2020_BEPR_Metrics.pdf

    Current reporting period is 2020 to 2021. Conservation achieved in 2020 is progress towards 2 year goal.
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  • BEPRMetricsCombo.pdf

    Current reporting period is 2020 to 2021. Conservation achieved in 2020 is progress towards 2 year goal.
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  • U-11379.pdf

    In 2021, the OATT was modified to update the rates and to make the changes needed to accommodate Tacoma Power's entry into the Energy Imbalance Market.
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  • WorkforceEquityStudy.pdf

    Keen Independent Research Final Report May 5, 2021 City of Tacoma Workforce Equity Study Final Report May 5, 2021 City of Tacoma Workforce Equity Study Prepared for City of Tacoma 747 Market Street, 13th
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  • 2019-Final-FTC-Meeting-Summaries.pdf

    Construction in 2021 or 2022 Florian also displayed a Google Earth map showing the location of each of the ten sites.
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  • Transportation-Electrification-Action-Plan-v3.4.pdf

    Priority Strategies This is a list of ten priority strategies for 2020-2021 to increase transportation electrification.
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