
824 results for 2021:

  • 2013-tacoma-power.pdf

    Optional Redemption The 2013A Bonds maturing in years 2015 through 2021, inclusive, are not subject to redemption prior to maturity.
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  • 2023-05-CRR-Funding-Determination-FINAL.pdf

    The FTC has partnered with the LCFRB to assist in implementing the CRR program for habitat projects beginning in 2023 (DD 2021-03).
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  • 2010-ab-water.pdf

    August 10, 2010 MATURITY SCHEDULES, INTEREST RATES, YIELDS, PRICES AND CUSIP NUMBERS $29,100,000 WATER SYSTEM REVENUE REFUNDING BONDS, 2010A Due December 1 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
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  • 2016-tacoma-power.pdf

    The agreement term is from August 1, 2009 through July 31, 2021. Lewis County PUD takes service under a pre-OATT agreement.
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  • Motion-23-02.pdf

    Last updated: 01/11/23 TPU Utilities Director Performance Review FINAL DRAFT 20230316 3 TPU Utilities Director Performance Review January 2022 – December 2022 2021 Public Utility Board Strategic Direction
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  • UTSOverview.pdf

    Technology Project Highlights 2017-2018 2019-2020 UTS PMO Portfolio Spend: UTS PMO Portfolio Spend: $ 32M 2021-2022 $ 39M UTS PMO Portfolio Spend: 2023-2024 $ 33M IT Service Mgmt./ IT Asset Mgmt.
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  • Transportation_Electrification_Action_Report_0720_FINAL.pdf

    T R A N S P O R TAT I O N E L E C T R I F I C AT I O N A C T I O N R E P O R T 10 Priority Strategies Our list of 10 priority strategies for 2020-2021 will help increase transportation electrification.
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  • U-11343.pdf

    Effective January 1, 2021, Employees selecting employee-only coverage will contribute $50 per month towards the premium costs of medical insurance.
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  • FleetAnn19.pdf

    Amounts will be recognized in pension expense as follows: 2020 $ 289,904 2021 116,525 2022 137,530 2023 285,806 2024 4,176 Thereafter $ 833,941 The proportionate share of the Fleet Division is 0.88% of
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  • Winter-steelhead-transition-plan-FINAL.pdf

    Additional fish will be collected to buffer against any shortfalls in the integrated programs. 5 yr ave (2017-2021) Lower Cowlitz Week Week Number Ending Week 42 23-Oct Week 43 30-Oct Week 44 6-Nov Week
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